Sunday, February 19, 2012

Conviction vs Condemnation

  So tonight I want to talk about conviction vs Condemnation.  What is what, and what is so different between the two.  The best way I could simplify it would be, good vs evil.  What I mean by that is in the bible it talks about Jesus bringing conviction.  It also talks about how the holy spirit is conviction (which is good).  Where if you hear about condemnation its always being talked about how Satan was condemned to his position.

    See I know a lot of us have some feelings and thoughts in us that make us feel condemned about what we have done and said or seen.  Some of us think that those feelings actually come from God.  But I say neh neh, see once again Jesus said he came not to condemn the world but to save it. (John 12: 47) See God never says your a loser or no one likes you, or you can't do that.  Condemnation lifts up the bad things, or problems but does not give you the solution.  It comes from Satan meant to tear you down, it is meant to make you feel fear about the issues that really haunt you deep down in side.  It keeps you from truly getting into a deeper relationship with God.  

    Where if you have conviction in your heart, what that is to me is the holy spirit guiding you through your life.  It is God calling out to you with love.  Saying hey man I know you know what you did, but I still love you.  Just come to me and ask for forgiveness and I'll show you how to get through it.  Or how to avoid it from entering into your life again. See God actually longs for it he wants it. 

     Get your bible out, this I want you guys to highlight again for your times of lost and hurting.  Times when you are feeling that what you have done is way too much to come back from, and then read this. 

    Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him. (Isaiah 30:18 NKJV)

    Man I really love the part of the verse, where it talks about how the Lord will wait.   I start to imagine my dad sitting at his chair, waiting for me to walk through the door.  Sitting there with a big smile on his face, even though he knew about the bad things I just did.  Then he opens his arms and pulls me in and says, " no worries I forgive you, now leave and never think about it again."  Wow, now that's a loving father.  Go a little further in the verse and you will see, he will be exalted, exalted means to lift up with praise.  See every time you go to God and ask for forgiveness, you are exalting him up in your life.  You are showing to him that you acknowledge that he is all powerful in your life, and he has ultimate control of your life.

    You have to realize that God is not what the world puts him as. He's not judgementle, he's not just all about do's and don'ts.  He knows that we are all human that we all make mistakes.  He wants us to come to him and ask for forgiveness and then gives us the ability to forget it.  If you ever have those thoughts of I can't or I don't have the ability, or I've done way too much stuff for him to let me back into his arms.  I'm telling you that is Satan talking, not God.  God longs for you, remember he created you in the image of himself.  Do you really think he will just turn his back on his greatest creation. 

      If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9 NKJV)
  I'm going to leave you with this, condemnation shouts, " your past, your sins, your a loser!".  Where conviction shouts out  " with the blood of Jesus you are forgiven of all your sins.  It shouts your past does not have to be part of you anymore!"
    Remember Jesus the holy spirit brings forth conviction the answer.  It does not bring up the problem...  God forgives and forgets remember that!!!

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