Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lift up Others

   Have you ever heard the phrase, "The best advertisement is by word of mouth."  Right now i know your probably saying Mike what is that suppose to mean, and how is that ever related to anything of God.  Listen I'm telling you it's got to do everything about God in more than one way.  Think about it, "Love out loud!!". 

   See I hear this phrase over and over and over at my job.  They say for every mad person that comes from my store, they will tell 7 people about their time there.  But for every happy person they tell only 3 people about their time.  There's a point to this stay with me.  

    So if we are suppose to "Love out loud!" do you think that it is only meant for us to express our love for Jesus to the world, or do you think there is more to it than that.  See I feel loving out loud is also meant for us on a personal level as a youth group.  It's also meant for a personal level with our family, and our friends in our lives.

    I feel that the best word of mouth that we could do for Jesus in our lives is to show love for people close to us with the gifts that they have. That could be the spiritual gifts, it could be the talents they have, or even the cool toys they have. See this message hit me on Sunday which you can ask Ashlee, right in middle of service I put the title of this message down in my notes, but any way. 

    Go ahead and turn your bible to the same book that pastor Jon was talking from on Sunday which is Galatians 5.  See here pastor Jon talked about how envy and jealousy is two in one that can and will destroy you spiritually if you let them.  So I went home and also read the verses, but took it a little further and went on to verse 22, which reads.

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those  who are  Christs have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. (Galatians 5:22-26 NKJV)

    So again I say the best advertisement for God is by word of mouth.  But your still saying Mike what do you mean.  Think about it if you praise others for they're gifts, and show true love for them and the talents they have.  Not only the person that you are praising will see it but others around will see it too.  Now instead of people saying wow you know Mike he calls himself a Christian, but man you should of heard all the crap he was talking about nick.  MAN WHAT A HYPOCRITE.  

     You know now that person is going to tell everyone they know.  But think about it, if they would have seen me saying great things about Nick saying, " wow Nick can sing so good, his voice sounds a little like Fergie and Jesus." Do you think they would tell the same amount of people.  I don't think so, I think they would probably only tell like one to three people.  So I would do it more often then not.

    Think about it do you think Jesus had billboards all over saying, COMING THIS SUNDAY JESUS OF NAZARETH IS COMING TO TOWN.  SEE MIRACLES AND HEALING'S!!!  No he had nothing but word of mouth.  People saw his works and then told everyone they knew.

     You have to realize what is going on in your heart and make sure that your heart is spewing out nothing but love and praise for not only our savior but others in your lives.  Love out Loud!!!!  Lose the jealously and envy, and replace it with love and praise.

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